Let's Grow Together

No matter where you are in your journey, Revision Church is glad you stopped by. While you’re here, check out any of our several services and initiatives, all designed to improve your spiritual growth. Perhaps you’d consider yourself devout, and have years of experience with worship and prayer—welcome, it’s nice to have you. Maybe you’ve never practiced religion of any kind, but stumbled upon Revision Church in your travels—welcome, it’s nice to have you, too. It’s never too late to rewrite your story.

Become A Member
Revision Membership
Interested in becoming a member of Revision Church?

We are a group of believers who strive to better ourselves and our community. We don’t consider ourselves better than anyone else—progress over perfection. We are also very practical. We preach applicable concepts, not just religious facets. We cultivate an eternal community based on inclusivity—everyone is welcome.

We aim to spark a spiritual transformation in the people and things around us. We believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, in community, and in relationships. We create an environment where everyone is family, even if it’s your first time. We reach a myriad of people and aim to deliver the same unique experience to all.

Join Revision
Join A Revision Crew

Take it from us—once you’re a part of Revision Church, you’re going to want to get involved. We’re always looking to grow our family, and are eternally grateful to those looking to participate. Through volunteer service and involvement, we become more in-touch with ourselves and closer with God. Revision Crews are broken up into several ministry teams, each with their own purpose:

  • Media
  • Communications
  • Hospitality
  • Greeters
  • Small Groups
  • Service Team
Get Involved
Join A Small Group
Create Community

Our overall objective at Revision Church is to establish ourselves as an instrument of discipleship and as a model for others to follow. Small Group Sessions offer the opportunity to delve deeper into our love for God, engage in meaningful community, and practice the application of spiritual growth disciplines. These core-curriculum-focused meetings allow us to invest in the relationships with other participants in an intimate environment and encourages applicable spiritual development. Small Group Sessions meet throughout the week, outside of our traditional worship services depending on leader and member availability.

Join A Small Group