Join us Saturday at 11:30 a.m.

Revision Kids occurs every 1st and 3rd Saturday when we are in person for worship.

About Selah

Selah is a voluntary intentional pause for reflection and connection. Selah Saturdays are an opportunity to build community with each other and to go deeper with God. Selah Saturday’s take place every 4th Saturday of the month.

Make Friends. Discover Rest. Connect with God.

Get Connected With Us

We love our Revision Community, those of you who are near, far away, local, or even in another country! If you worship with us online we would like to learn more about you. Please complete the form below.

Global Prayer Wall

Here at Revision, we believe in the power of prayer and leveraging the power of prayer to empower awakenings in faith and community. As a global community of believers, we want to pray together. Although we may not live in one place, we can still pray for one another. We encourage you to share a prayer request and to pray for someone else’s.

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Meet Dr. Wesley Knight

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Rian DonatelliRevision Church Atlanta